Explosive Precursors

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The Center for Intelligence against Terrorism and Organized Crime (CITCO) of the Ministry of Interior regulates, controls and establishes obligations in the placing of precursor substances of explosives, drugs and chemical weapons into the market.


  • Regulation (EU) No 98/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2013 on the marketing and use of explosive precursors (consolidated version).
  • Law 8/2017, November 8, on explosive precursors.
  • Resolution, November 20, 2013, of the Secretary of State of Security which appoints the Center for Intelligence against Terrorism and Organized Crime as the National Contact Point for the communication of suspicious transactions, thefts and disappearances of explosive precursors.
  • Resolution, May 16, 2018, of the Secretary of State of Security, which establishes the models of the application and the license that authorizes individuals to acquire, own, use or introduce into Spain the restricted explosive precursors foreseen in Law 8/2017, November 8, on explosive precursors.
  • The permanent instability in which we live, despite the restrictions and controls that were established in Regulation 98/2013, the European Commission has approved a new Regulation (EU) 2019/1148 in order to extend these restrictions and controls by limiting the access to them.
  • Explosive precursors are substances, such as hydrogen peroxide (oxygenated water), acetone or sulfuric acid among others, which are used by consumers as well as industries. It is of great importance that all companies throughout the supply chain, including the trade sector, must know their obligations in relation to these products to prevent them from being used in the illicit manufacturing of explosives

Attached is an explanatory letter, a leaflet distributed by CITCO for companies, the Declaration of Use for oxygenated water and the Declaration of Use of nitric acid.

Note that the Point of Contact for the communication of suspicious transactions, thefts and disappearances of these substances is unique on a national level:

Intelligence Center for Counter-Terrorism and Organized Crime
91 537 27 66/33 (permanent attention 24/7)


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